Saturday, June 20, 2009

Follow-Up to Mission Obama

Thank you so much everyone for your feedback. Its keeping us going!! Here is a follow-up:

We are hoping to collect over 1000 letters here in Ghana and hopefully get a few hundred letters to the White House. We will be hosting a march in Tamale (main city in the North) on July 1st. We have teamed up with the Sister City of Tamale, Louisville Kentucky, to see how they can support the campaign. In the coming week we will reach out to the New York Times and the local media to see if they can pick up the story.

So what can you do:
-watch our video on youtube and send the link to friends and family (you could also view as many times as possible a day! we trying to get it high on the view list! lol)
- urge any American friends or even Canadians to get in touch with the White House
White House -
List of Representatives and Contact Info -
List of Senators and Contact Info -
-Advertise for the campaign / video via your Facebook or Twitter account until July 1st

If you have any ideas on how we can get our message heard by the White House please let us know!

Thank you all SO MUCH and lots of love from Ghana!

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